Steven Schneider
Steven P. Schneider is the author of three books of poetry: Borderlines: Drawing Border Lives (Wings Press, 2012), a collaborative effort with his wife, Reefka Schneider; Unexpected Guests (Blue Light Press, 2008); and Prairie Air Show (Hurakan Publications and Sandhills Press, 2000). Steven Schneider’s poetry has been widely anthologized and featured in American Life in Poetry, Prairie Schooner, Critical Quarterly, The Literary Review and numerous other international journals.
He earned a BA from Syracuse University and an MFA and PhD from the University of Iowa. His scholarly books on contemporary American poetry include A.R. Ammons and the Poetics of Widening Scope (1994), Complexities of Motion: New Essays on A. R. Ammons’ Long Poems (1999), and a recent collection of edited essays entitled The Contemporary Narrative Poem: Critical Cross-Currents (2012).
Schneider’s awards include three Big Read grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, a Nebraska Arts Council Poetry award, and a Poetry Fellowship and Residency from the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation in Taos, New Mexico. He is professor of English at the University of Texas-Pan American.