Alexandra Teague
Alexandra Teague is the author of the poetry collections Or What We'll Call Desire (Persea, 2019), The Wise and Foolish Builders (Persea, 2015), and Mortal Geography (Persea 2010), winner of the 2009 Lexi Rudnitsky Prize and 2010 California Book Award Gold Medal. Stephanie Burt described Or What We'll Call Desire in The New York Times as “passionate, quirky, righteously outraged”; Burt added, Teague “makes her long sentences into exuberant pageants, part sex appeal, part enduring outrage, and by no means devoid of comedy.” She has also published the novel The Principles Behind Flotation (Skyhorse, 2017). With Brian Clements and Dean Rader, she coedited Bullets into Bells: Poets & Citizens Respond to Gun Violence (Beacon, 2017).
Teague is the recipient of a 2019 Civitella Ranieri Foundation fellowship, the 2014 Missouri Review Jeffrey E. Smith Editors' Prize, a 2011 National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, and a 2006-2008 Stegner Fellowship at Stanford. She is an associate professor at University of Idaho and a senior editor of Broadsided Press.